The study deals with the role of the right to health and that of the right to life in the society. The study is about the function filled, ab ovo, by these two human rights, and about that developed by the inhabitants of the sociosphere in the course of human history. The law-forming activity of the sociosphere's inhabitants, so, first of all that of the mankind, has strongly modified the existence and modus of these two basic rights. As for the 'ius ad vitam' and the 'ius ad sanitatem', our society provides a more or less 'developed' and 'western-type' attitude. However, some digressions show up. All these follow from Hungary's special geopolitical situation, historical background and from the specific characteristics of our society. Life and health are fundamental values, which should not be impaired. Amending these belongs to one of the goals of every democratic government, since society and public administration can be sustained only in synergy with each other. Relativisation of absolute rights solicits a sincere pre-consideration and preparation. The situation of life and health protection should not depend on political or other spiritual tendencies. In the Hungarian (and, more broadly, in the 'western') public thinking, exclusively those views might find place, which do not question the right to life and the right to the highest level of physical and mental health for the individuals and the community. This is to be alpha and omega in every democratic social structure.