he aim of the study is to clarify a phenomenon of a modernistic virtuality and some of its expressions in the 20th century arts of 20-ties and 30-ties. The European and Slovak prose in that time reflected the intuitivistic concepts of so called antirational thinking. Mainly Bergson's conception of creative development with its virtual dimensions was an inspirational impact. Moreover today, it offers a base for the post-modern thinking in the history of literature, which intention is not to ignore historical entry of virtual reality in all kinds of the spheres of human activity. This methodological base was applied into the short story written by Ivan Horváth 'Zlocin nezivých veci' (The Crime of Non Living Things, 1932). The analysis showed that he included Bergson's virtuality into the plot of the short story. Due to it, it was possible to analyse a discursive construction of Horváth's text, superior to epistemological course of the story. Discursive style and its connection with the motives of truth and a woman pre-marked poststructuralist, a Derrida like thinking, about the same problems. Research in the history of literature regarding a discursive composition of the texts, as well as the character of artistic virtuality and virtual reality, innovate thinking about values of the epoch of Modernism. The cognitive element of such an approach offers new criteria for understanding of so called realism as a specific co-part of modernistic writing.