(Title in Polish - 'Powstanie i rozwój Oddzialu Analityki Medycznej (Medycyny Laboratoryjnej) na Wydziale Farmaceutycznym Akademii Medycznej (Uniwersytetu Medycznego) w Lodzi' ). The aim of the paper is to give a systematic account of all information concerning divisions of medical analytics / divisions of laboratory medicine in Poland, and in particular to present the thirty years of activities of such a division at the Medical Academy / Medical University of Lódz (1977/1978- 2006/2007). The paper focuses in particular on the training of students at the Division, as well as matters concerned with its establishment, its internal organization, and with its staff and students. The paper is based mainly on the university archival material , and those from the university offices. Important information has been obtained also from ten medical schools in Poland that offer training in medical analytics. However, the most valuable source of information is constituted by materials made available by people directly connected with the Medical Academy / Medical University of Lódz. The paper is organized along chronological and substantive lines. Chapter One is devoted to laboratory diagnostics as an independent branch of the medical sciences. It describes in detail the notion of laboratory diagnostics and the profession of laboratory diagnostician, and then goes on to present the history of clinical analytics as a specialisation at medical schools in Poland, as well as the history of divisions of medical analytics / laboratory medicine. A general account is given of training in the specialisation at the graduate level, as well as of the professional specialty of laboratory diagnostics and postgraduate professional training for graduates of specialisations useful in diagnostics. Chapter Two deals in detail with the establishment, development and current activities of the Division of Medical Analytics / Laboratory Medicine at the Pharmaceutical Faculty of the Medical Academy / Medical University of Lódz, in the academic years 1977/1978 - 2006/2007. Chapter Three describes training at the Division of Medical Analytics / Laboratory Medicine in Lódz, with special focus on the Deputy Deans responsible for the division, on the enrolment of students, on the graduates of the Division, the goals underlying the instruction in particular subjects and the curricula over the past the thirty years. It also mentions the staff, and the teaching and research facilities at the Division, the programmes for summer traineeships and specialist professional courses in laboratory diagnostics offered at the Division, and it compares current curricula for students of medical analytics at ten divisions of medical analytics / laboratory diagnostics in Poland. Up to now, there has been no study that would deal with the history of the Division of Medical Analytics / Laboratory Medicine in Lódz, nor have there been any works devoted to other divisions of this type in Poland. It has been felt that the achievements of the graduates of the Lódz division, as well as its long-standing history, deserve to be described in some detail.