The article is an attempt to answer the question whether field trips can be considered to be rituals of passage. For this purpose the authoress uses a qualitative analysis of the following journals and memoirs: 'A Journal in the Strictest Meaning of the Word' by Bronislaw Malinowski, 'L'Afrique fantôme' by Michel Leiris, 'Tristes tropiques' by Claude Lévi-Strauss, 'Return to laughter' by Elenore Smith-Bowen and 'Reflections on Fieldwork in Morocco' by Paul Rabinow. The starting point for the deliberations is the classic rites of passage theory proposed by Arnold van Gennep and its interpretation in the spirit of symbolic anthropology as conducted by Victor Turner. We then encounter a short description of the nature of the intensive field studies and a brief review of the context in which the aforementioned journals and memoirs were written. The main part of the article seeks an answer to the question of whether the experiences of the researchers may show that the research in itself is a kind of initiation for them.