The top officials of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia almost always perceived any belief in God and religion as something negative, according to the marxist mantra that 'religion is the opium of the people'. This study by concentrating directly on the rank-and-file members of the Communist Party, is trying to find an answer to what degree the Party managed to achieve its goal to eradicate religiosity among its own members in the 2nd half of the 20th century. Considering the extent of the matter, this study is a piece of research analysing only the state of religiousness of the members of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in South Bohemia. It is based on as yet unpublished archive materials of the South Bohemian Regional Committee of the CP of Czechoslovakia. The archive materials confirmed the fact that, despite the persistent efforts, the party leaders did not succeed in achieving 'zero religiousness' among the party members of the South Bohemian CP of Czechoslovakia. Other author's publications: