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2010 | 11 | 143-155

Article title

QUALITY, EVALUATION, AND COUNSELING - THEIR INTERDEPENDENCY IN ADULT EDUCATION (Jakosc, ewaluacja i poradnictwo - o ich wzajemnych relacjach w instytucjach edukacji doroslych)


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Striving for quality is an inherent part of professional adult education. An increasingly pluralistic market of competing educational institutions defines quality as a salient goal - in view of potential students/applicants interested in the specific profile offered by a particular institution of continuing education; - in view of the personnel in the area of continuing education who might want to investigate and study the personal, organizational, and structural issues of quality management; - in view of potential sponsors in a tough and competitive market in the field of continuing education; - in view of competitors, i.e. to secure an adequate stature and rank, i.e. a competitive edge in this market. Developing and determining quality presupposes theoretical and practical guidance and support. Counseling should be incorporated into this process - by creating spaces and new options for individuals as well as for institutions. Evaluation could offer a valuable contribution in assessing quality and deciding on counseling needs. Evaluation can draw on a multiple methodology, and it has qualitative and quantitative potential, e.g. in terms of correlating self-evaluation and evaluation through others. A well argued practical interplay between quality, evaluation, and counseling in continuing education is a visible sign of professional practice.






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  • Helga Stock, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Abt. Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften, Philosophische Fakultät IV, Geschwister Scholl Str. 7, 10099 Berlin, Bundesrepublik Deutschland


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