Objectives. Mental well-being in adolescents is crucial as it significantly impacts their overall development. The objective of the study is to investigate the connections between bullying victimization, loneliness, resilience, and mental well-being in adolescents. Sample and settings. The proposed hypotheses underwent testing utilizing data collected from 612 adolescents (Mage = 15.09, SD = .98) through hierarchical regression analysis. Results. The findings showed that resilience was a positive predictor of mental well-being, while loneliness and bullying victimization were negative predictors of mental well-being. Thus, the development of resilience in adolescents can enhance their ability to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to various life circumstances, ultimately fostering well-being. Also, preventing loneliness and bullying victimization in adolescents significantly contributes to their mental well-being. Limitations. Cross-sectional design of the study; self-assessment questionnaires.