Demographic development level, both in the rural population involved in private farming and in the economic development of private agricultural economy underwent changes during the transformation period in rural areas of the West Pomeranian region. The commune typology has been based on commune spatial layout, according to demographic development level of population involved in private farming and economic development level of private farms in 1996. This typology divides communes into various groups. There are communes with balanced demographic and economic development (i.e. such where a balanced degree of demographic and economic development occurs: favourable, average or unfavourable). Another group are communes where demographic development exceeds the economic one and inversely, there are communes where the economic development outdistances the demographic one. As a result of delimitation, it has been proved that in 1996 the type of balanced demographic and economic development was dominant in the communes of the West Pomeranian region. It has been noted that the high degree of farming population development most frequently coexists with a high degree of private farming development. Two factors are related to this fact: high quality of the production environment and close location to large important towns.