(Title on Ukrainian - 'Vplyv rezul'tativ prezydents'kykh vyboriv 2004 i 2010 rokiv na emotsiine samopochuttia prykhyl'nykiv riznykh politychnykh syl'). The article studies the influence of 2004 and 2010 presidential elections results on emotional status of the adherents of the two main political camps, i. e. the Orange and the White-and-Blue. The common traits and differences in emotional reaction to the changes in political situation between representatives of these groups have been revealed. In the situation when there are adherents of different ideological conceptions in the society, when they have different, sometimes contrary appraisals of social and political processes, there is the probability of origination of emotional polarization in the society. The author demonstrates that the level of emotional polarization in the Ukrainian society which was high in 2005 is gradually decreasing. However, the course of political events continues to influence emotional status of the society members. Relatively high emotional significance of the course of political events for the Orange electorate equally with dissatisfaction of this course permits to make a conclusion about the existence of marked protest potential of the Orange electorate.