The constitution of internal consciousness of time plays crucial role in the Husserlian phenomenology of time. Flow/stream of consciousness constituting internal time refers to the surrounding world and the Other as a regular element of this world. There are not only the analyses of flow of the consciousness but also the most crucial text included in late considerations of Husserl on the issue of intersubjectivity of the consciousness. The author takes consideration into (1) activation of subject by primordial source playing most important role in constitution of the consciousness of time (the original 'I' and manners of temporalizations of 'I'); (2) proposition of model of the consciousness of inter-monadic time of social world; (3) complementary coexistence of what is constituted within inter-monadic time; (4) description of internal conditions of temporalization of the Other's consciousness [Ich-Spaltung, einfuehlende Vergegenwaertigung]; (5) reference to the actual moment of change creating the consciousness of the 'now'. Also inter-monadic time as coexistence and overlapping of temporal horizons of identity plays important role in the context of temporal socialization (Husserl, Waldenfels).