The paper is an attempt to assessment of Opole Region rural communities in education and innovativeness as a main factor needed to shaping cluster structures in local scale. Knowledge accessibility and education level of human resources in rural areas were examined using taxonomy analysis. It is widely known that knowledge accessibility and education level is in rural areas generally lower than urban communities. It is influencing rural areas live conditions and lifestyle and every possibility of its improvement became important. Using experiences of other, mainly foreign, regions the hypothesis that creation of favourable structures to make arising of clusters is conducive to investment attractivity. Short analysis of development of cluster structures in Polish regions with special attention to rural areas; basic factors which have to be meet to develop cluster structures with special attention to education and innovativeness; relationship between education and innovativeness dynamics and investment attractiveness increase in rural areas of Opole Region were examined. Summarising, some conclusions devoted to connections between education and innovativeness in rural areas and creation of conditions to cluster initiatives and development will be drawn.