The paper considers the system of sanctions in Hungary during the Arpad period using the sources published by G. Wenzel, the Varadin (Magno Varadinum, Nagy Varad, Oradea) register and collections of written law from the period. By selecting diplomatic material on the basis of identification of key words typical for the solution of conflicts, the author collected 92 documents containing information about sanctions. By comparing their content with the content of the Varadin register and the surviving written law, the author verified the information about the application of sanctions in practice and the categorization of crimes punishable by death, physical punishments associated with shaming punishments, financial penalties, deprivation of liberty, dismissal from functions and privileges or by ecclesiastical penalties. A combination of penalties was often imposed. Sometimes, the punishment was not specified. The obligation to provide restitution for damage was linked with the sanction, but not as an independent sanction. A feature of the article is that it points to absence of mentions of physical punishments. This has also been found by foreign authors researching the same period.