After commemorating two non-Hungarian scholars who studied the first linguistic document of the Hungarian language, 'Halotti beszed' (HB), the author discusses some as yet unresolved passages of that text and of the 'Omagyar Maria-siralom' (OMS). The first issue he considers is the meaning of HB eleve (line 3). The author reappraises the hypothesis first advanced by Janos Sajnovics (1771), who thought that the meaning of that word was elo 'the living', i.e. 'God'. For this suggestion, some passages of the Vulgata, in which God is called vivens/vivus, are relevant. With respect to HB terumteve (line 7) the author proposes, on the basis of some arguments advanced by Lorand Benko, to explain it as teremteto 'he who is created', i.e., 'Adam', so that the term becomes the subject of the sentence. Moving on to OMS, after analysing the four prevailing interpretations of Strophe 7 - lines 17-20 (Syrolmom fuha II zatum ...) - the author explains the en in the phrase en iumhumnok bel bua as Balassi's en, i.e., ime (Lat. 'ecce') or ez 'this', rather than en 'I'' - 'my', intensifier of the possessive suffix -m.