In this article the authoress is focusing on an issue of a word structure of Goran nominal diminutive formations. This analysis is based on a linguistic material excerpted from a Goran-Albanian dictionary by Nazif Dokle 'Recnik goranski (nashinski) - allbanski', Pecatnica Naukini Akademiji 'Prof. Marin Drinov', Sofia 2007. In reference to conducted analysis it may be concluded, that Goran nominal diminutives are formed through suffixal derivation, eg. dim A dimec, where A stands for 'arrow'. Goran nominal diminutives are formed by adding of 7 suffixes: -ec (dukat A dukatec), -ica (baklava A baklavica), -ce (dervo A dervce), -ence (icaje A icajence), -ice (derpulka A derpulkice), -ce (cader A caderce), -e (cujek A cujece). Suffixes -ce and -ice are the most productive diminutive formatives in the Nashen (nashinski) language and the range of their derivation is very wide. Formatives -ce and -ice, that derivate diminutives from feminine and masculine nouns, cause a change of a grammar gender of the derivative in comparision to its base word. In this respect Goran diminutives represent clear similarity to Bulgarian and Macedonian diminutives.