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2009 | 92 | 1 | 50-56

Article title

TO THE EXPRESSION 'PARENTAL RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS' (K pojmu 'rodicovske prava a povinnosti')

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The article is devoted to the institute of the former 'parental power', that was removed from our law by the Act No 94/1963 Coll. on family. By its entry into force a different conception, based on the atomization of this collective institute to the individual rights and obligations of the parents was introduced in the family law. This conception is however already outdated from the view of international obligations of the Slovak law as well as from the view of the systematics of the law. The aim of the article was to justify this conclusion and try to find a new name for this collective institute. At present the amendment of the Civil Code is being prepared, to which the family-law relations will be integrated in Part II. It is an opportunity for expert discussion on terminological problems of the family law which will help to create a new Act in compliance with the requirements put on it by the new social conditions. It is the main ambition of the article.


  • Bronislava Pavelkova, Ustav sukromneho prava, Bratislavska Vysoka skola prava, Tomasikova 20, 821 02 Bratislava, Slovak Republic; http:www.pravnyobzor.sk.


Document Type

Publication order reference


CEJSH db identifier

YADDA identifier

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