The site No. 6 in Ujazd, distr. Jaslo is situated on a narrow and flat, secondary, sub-parallel ridge with a nose protruding towards the Wisloka River valley. In summer 2005 archaeological excavations took place there. The discovered inventory, . Upper Palaeolithic in the character, is not large. Most of artefacts were found in the secondary position. Two pieces only (flakes) were recognised as finds in the loess-like sediments, which could be identified as a rest of cultural level. However, importance of this discovery cannot be ignored. In the whole Polish Carpathians the Upper Palaeolithic sites are extremely rare. According to the TL dating, the Ujazd site could be situated in the settlement horizon direct after LGM represented by Epigravettian sites at Cosautsi, layer V and IV, and Molodova V, layer 14. This assemblage confirm from the one side some elements typical for the Danube Epigravettian, and some implements more characteristic for the Molodova culture from the other.