(Polish title: Polski Fiat jako 'miejsce pamieci'. Rola i obraz marki w kulturze polskiej drugiej polowy XX wieku. Refleksje wokol koncepcji). The article discusses a meaning and a place of 'Polish Fiat' 126p (maly Fiat, maluch) in Poles' collective memory in the context of 'places of memory' (lieux de mémoire), a concept coined in French historiography. 'Places of memory' are symbols that function in a collective memory of each society. They can influence the process of shaping the identity. The town of Grunwald, Polish Independence Day, as well as other particular events, people or places, may be symbols that influence identity of Polish society. In Germany, 'Volkswagen' became one of national symbols in the 20th century - similar place in Poland is dedicated to 'Polish Fiat'. The article does not only present a short history of a car, but also serves as a reflection on its visions stored in a collective memory. It focuses on a social and cultural role of 'Polish 'Fiat'. Thus it disregards technical aspect of a vehicle and emphasizes a reality of a memory, i.e. pictures seen from the perspective of memoire collective.