In Western culture hunting has a long and historical lineage and is regarded as one of the cultural practices sanctioned by age-old tradition and customs. Today, despite the fact that it has ceased being a life necessity, it still remains a lively fragment of that culture. The hunt has turned into an exciting form of spending leisure time and a phenomenon situated between a hobby, entertainment and sport. The presented text seeks an answer to questions about the mythological dimension of the chase. The author carried out a critical deconstruction of the universal myth of the hunt upon the basis of two instructive books: Zbigniew Kruczynski's 'Farba znaczy krew' and Tomasz Matkowski's 'Polowaneczko'. He was interested in the real (and not merely imaginary) image in contemporary culture, and thus endeavoured to recreate the mental premises at the basis of hunting and to demonstrate their consequences (for Nature and man). Concluding, the authior asserted that the contemporary hunt is 'intellectual tomfoolery, a cultural absurdity and an ethical scandal' and demanded its delegalisation.