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2021 | 82 | 2 | 95-117

Article title

Kompozitnosť a kompozícia: príspevok k charakteristike zložených slov na materiáli západoslovanských jazykov


Title variants

Compoundness and composition: a contribution to the characterisation of compounds in West Slavic languages
Композитность и композиция: к характеристике сложных слов на материале западнославянских языков

Languages of publication



The aim of the paper is to analyse compounding and compoundness in Slovak, Czech and Polish. Compoundness is defined as a property of a complex word (compound) having at least two components with lexical meaning. The essential distinction between composition and derivation (affixation) lies in the number of bases in the structure of a word, so it is inevitable that we analyse the notions of base and affix. Subsequently, the paper proposes several criteria on the basis of which the following constituents are defined: base (a free morpheme with lexical meaning, e.g. terapia in the Slovak compound ergoterapia ‘ergotherapy’), baseoid (combining form, a bound morpheme with lexical meaning, e.g. ergo- in Slovak compound ergoterapia ‘ergotherapy’), affixoid (diachronically a free morpheme, synchronically a bound morpheme that has acquired a more general derivational meaning, e.g. Slovak -násť in dva-násť ‘twelve’), affix (a bound morpheme with a general derivational meaning, e.g. Slovak -ista “osoba” ‘person’ in gitar-ista ‘guitar player’). The definition of these constituents makes it possible to establish a more precise borderline between compounding and derivation and introduce three types of compounds: proper compounds, semi-compounds and quasi-compounds.


  • Slovo a slovesnost, redakce, Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR, v.v.i., Letenská 4, 118 51 Praha 1, Czech Republic
  • Slovo a slovesnost, redakce, Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR, v.v.i., Letenská 4, 118 51 Praha 1, Czech Republic


Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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