The history of the immovable and movable property of the Czech Technical University after closing of all Czech universities in November 1939 has been studied primarily from the preserved testimonies of Czech witnesses about its state in May 1945. In the article, the history has been reconstructed on basis of official German documents. The initial assumption that the 'Deutsche Technische Hochschule in Prag' (German Technical University in Prague) acquired the main parts of the property for its own use turned out to be incorrect. Most of the movable property not destroyed by army forces during the first week of occupation decayed unused in unsuitable storehouses. Buildings were used by other institutions of the occupation forces and the Protectorate. In 1942, when the original three-year deadline after which the Czech universities were to be reopened expired, K. H. Frank decided on a thorough stocktaking of the property. It was to serve as the basis for the property to be taken over for use by the German Technical University. Nevertheless, the catastrophic condition of the stored instruments, devices, books, and so on showed up during the inventory. Academic buildings and premises used for various other purposes were also in poor condition (see the attached document). As a result, the situation differed significantly from the fate of the property of the Czech University in Prague, which the 'Deutsche Universitaet in Prag' (German University in Prague) acquired.