The article focuses on the basis characterization of anoikonyms occurring in registers form Moravia and Silesia, containing the etymon hrad-/hrád- and deals in detail with several specific features of selected names. The analyzed names are divided into three groups, whose members are mutually linked from the viewpoint of the relation between the motivation and the resulting names: I. names HRADISKO, HRADIŠTĚ, HRADIŠŤKO // HRADÍŠŤKO, HRADIŠTĚK // HRADÍŠTĚK, HRADIŠTEČKA, HRADÍŠEK, HRADISEK; HRADÍŠTKOVÝ, HRADISKÝ, HRADIŠTNÝ, HRADIŠŤSKÝ; HRADIŠŤÁK; II. names HRAD, HRÁDEK, HRADEC, HRADOVÝ, HRÁDECKÝ, HRÁDKOVÝ, HRÁDEČNÁ; III. names HRADČANY // RAČANY, HRADČANSKÝ. The article also deals with the relationship between archaeology and toponomastics, analyzing the motivating component of the names concerned and paying attention also to dialectal features reflected by the material as well as to geographical location of some types of the names.