Watching after many years the documentaries of performances of the 'Laboratory Theatre', Grotowski discovered that they were sung performances, of which fact he had not been aware. They were also danced. Grotowski had already come up with the idea of a dancing actor when he was working on 'Shakuntala' (1960). A very important inspiration to him was a short text, which he had read as a student (1950-1955), by M. Limanowski - 'Sztuka aktora' (Actor's Craft) (1919), while Limanowski himself became one of the forerunners of theatre anthropology. In his work Grotowski revived the antique tradition of the triune unity of chorea - music, dance and singing united in one whole, the thread of which was dance. Here came to life, 'unprecedented in the history of theatre, the creation of the formula of a performance of initiation ritual (...), the innovation of which was the result of reaching out to the archaic sources of theatre' (L. Flaszen). 'Action' (staged from 1988 onwards) combines both the Christian and the mystery traditions. The symbolism of initiation, common to Dionysus, Zagreus and Jesus, is related to the god-child and it reveals the mystery of 'rebirth', as in 'an ethnodrama', 'a dramatic religion'.