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2008 | 55 | 10 | 470-480

Article title

The knowledge material and professional competences to be mastered by students of Library and Information Science (LIS) in the framework of the Bologna educational scheme

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Starting from the fall of 2006, the instruction of library and information science majors in Hungary has been enacted in a two-tier education system complying with the Bologna declaration for higher education. It was in spring of 2008 that the Ministry of Education and Culture released the list of requirements for training and qualification of the second level, the magister (or master's) degree, which determines the corpus of knowledge and professional competences the would-be graduates are to command. The study discusses the system of requirements of the BA (bakkalaureus or bachelor-level) instruction currently conducted, the subject directions announced by the 11 institutions of higher education participating in the instruction, the general and professional stock material, the personal and professional competences to be learned in the master-level instruction, the scope of knowledge and subjects pertaining to the permitted subject directions as well as the topical items of information related to the master-level training.



  • Zsuzsanna Toszegi, no address given, contact the journal editor


Document Type

Publication order reference


CEJSH db identifier

YADDA identifier

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