The author discusses the syntactic association relationship, earlier introduced by A. F. Priyatkina (sootnositel'naya svyaz') as well as P. V. Chesnokov (oposredovannaya svyaz'). The association relationship (diatax) disturbs to a degree the symmetry of the sentence, i.e. the agreement between its grammatical and semantic structures. The author quotes the results of a psycholinguistic experiment to confirm the psychological reality of the diatax in sentence structure. Further, the author describes the form and the performance of the association relationship in the structure of a simple sentence, examining the regularity of syntactic models and syntactic parallelism, the linear contact of words, the syntactic condensation, the ellipse, the preposition of the verb, the general communicative function of words (usually for comments), the semantic and phonetic similarity of words, their lexical identity, paired prepositions, and others.