One of alarming situation at present times is vanishing sense of a shame. It is caused mainly by mass media that create models of behaving that are wiping out from human consciousness patterns which were created by past generations. Almost every nation has its own pattern of a shame. Nowadays, a phenomenon of loosing any sense of a shame can be seen especially among young people.They wear more and more often clothes exposing intimate parts of human body. In front of such situation a question is asked about a nature and causes of the shame. Is the shame something right or something wrong? Is there any sense of a shame? An answer to this question should help in a process of bringing up young people. One of sources that could be helpful in looking for an answer is the Bible. According to biblical texts, especially Gen 1-3, a shame is a form of defense of man's dignity. Sense of a shame arises from the original sin. The essence of this sin is a will to decide about what is good and what is evil. Man can not decide about that, because only God as Creator of the whole universe can decide what is good and what is evil and forbidden to a man. In spite of that man broke down the God's commandments. The proper relations between people were destroyed, instead of love appeared a desire. The main aim of a shame is to keep proper relation between people based on love instead of desire. Because of that a sense of a shame is very important for a man and should be treated as one of a main point in education.