The anthology edited by Libora Oates-Indruchová Tvrdošíjnost myšlenky. Od feministické kriminologie k teorii genderu (Doggedness of Idea. From Feminist Criminology to Theory of Gender) – published on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Gerlinda Šmausová –, which has as its subject-matter the importance of gender for criminality, focuses on the issue of whether the criminality of women has an ontic nature or whether it is rather the result of labelling, initiated by organs of penal control. The criminality documented by police is seen more as an “artefact” of police investigation, extended into the lifeworld and very often explained by labelling approaches. The anthology points to the contradiction between sociology as an discipline that casts doubt on the naturalness and fixity of social phenomena on the one hand and the simple-minded adoption of a conception of stable homogenous gender identity corresponding to biological gender-difference on the other. For the sake of analysis and advancement of knowledge in the theory of gender, Gerlinda Šmausová aims to abandon dualism and to research into social heterogenity by exploring the theoretical approaches of Sandry Harding, Élisabeth Badinter a Judith Butler