Statistical analysis of interdependencies among the increases in GDP and changes in employment in 48 countries of Western, Central and Eastern Europe as well as in the selected countries of the former Soviet Union during 1990 -2000 is presented in the article. The authors attempt to define, separately for each group of countries, the strength with which the economic growth influences the increases in employment and, by the same token, to identify the employment non-augmenting growth rates. Several conclusions from the study can be derived, of which two seem to be important: 1) in EU countries the growth in GDP caused the strongest increases in employment, these were followed by countries of Central Europe and then by post-Soviet Baltic region countries; and 2) relatively weak influence of GDP growth on employment was recorded in European countries of CIS while in the economies undergoing transformation in the Balkan region and CIS countries in Asia the influence of GDP growth on employment proved to be statistically insignificant.