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2009 | 10 | 225-242

Article title

ATTITUDE MODIFICATION AS WAY OF COPING WITH PROBLEMS (Modyfikacja postawy jako sposób radzenia sobie z problemami)

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The paper presents a part of a research project on co-addiction in mothers conducted in 2006-2007. The aim of the analysis is to present their strategy of coping with these difficult experiences. The analysis has revealed that manners in which the mothers handle this long-term, painful life situation are highly individual and can be described as remedial strategies. The authoress singles out some of them but presents in detail only one, called the attitude modification (after D.W. Johnson and R.P. Matrosse, 1995), defining it as a mental and emotional process that shows in many emotional and mental activities, as well as in actions undertaken by the mothers in question. This process concerns several areas of life at the same time, with the following three singled out in the analyzed interviews: 1) attitude to own motherhood, 2) sense of separateness and the degree of mental emancipation from her adult child and, 3) attaining life wisdom. The main subject of changes is the ongoing process of transition from the state of helplessness to regaining inner balance. This transition is related to undertaking detailed actions, presented and interpreted in the paper as the methods of coping that eventually help mothers to modify one (or all) of the presented attitudes.







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  • Ewa Trebinska-Szumigraj, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydzial Pedagogiki, Socjologii i Nauk o Zdrowiu, Zaklad Pedagogiki Spolecznej, ul. Energetykow 2, 65-001 Zielona Góra, Poland


  • Johnson D.W., Matross R.P., Metody modyfikacji postaw, „Nowiny Psychologiczne” 1985, nr 4-5.
  • Międzynarodowa Klasyfikacja Chorób i Problemów Zdrowotnych ICD-10, Praca zbiorowa, Kraków 2000.
  • Trębińska-Szumigraj E., Radzenie sobie z emocjami przez współuzależnione matki, „Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów” 2008, t.9., red. M. Olejarz.

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Publication order reference


CEJSH db identifier

YADDA identifier

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