The aim of the study is to show that it is possible to read the collection of the short stories by Dusan Dusek 'Milosrdný cas' (The Merciful Time) as a compact reminiscent story. This reader's approach is inspired especially by the types of a narrator in the stories, which signalised reminiscent strategy. At the interpretation we come out from the up to now having done readings of Dusek's proses (Krsáková, Zajac, Prusková), from the conception of a cultural memory by Jan Assman and also from theoretical works focused on the problem of authenticity in the literature (Mukarovský, Bachtin, Merhaut, P.de Man, Mikula, Zajac, etc.). Present interpretation showed that the world of Dusek's proses is a stylized version of everyday, profane world, which in the contact with getting involved; a very sensitive subject produces reminiscences of the past life in topical space. Dusek's world functions as a place of memory 'sui generis'. Anecdotes represent a peculiar unit in the book. It is possible to identify their phraseological character. Dusek's micro stories have a form of literal realisation of phraselogism, the author negates their metonymic /metaphoric base. We consider phraseologism as a cultural text with a denoting function and a qualifying intention, then the presented stories, as literally realised phraseologisms , are a cultural characteristic of the world of Dusek's proses and an organic part of the whole collection of the short stories.