The aim of this paper is not simply to review the literature on the syntactic category traditionally called 'adverbial of regard' but also to point out certain vagueness or indecision in the part-of-speech assignment of some of its exponents (adverb vs. modifier; case-marked nominal vs. postposition). The author refrains from taking sides with any of the existing classifications of adverbials, given that each has its own assets over the others, hence all have to be taken into consideration. Rather, she points out that the type of adverbial at hand is an example of the general fact that a different perspective yields a different classification, even though the definition of that syntactic category has remained unchanged for the past few decades. Of the possible exponents of adverbials of regard, those involving postpositions have recently been on the spread, especially by way of a process whereby other types of adverbials (e.g., ones that are primarily those of manner) come to be used as adverbials of regard. As a consequence of that popularity, it is also conceivable that suffixed forms will soon become more loaded in that role (the suffixes -lag/-leg 'as', -ban/-ben 'in' are among the prime candidates). On the other hand, speakers' circumstantiality or prolixity may become annoying: for instance, in the case of multiple postpositional constructions (e.g., a minoseg szempontjabol nezve 'seen from the point of view of quality', az aremelkedes viszonylataban nezve 'seen in relation to price rise').