'Slucaj Harms', a short story written by Dubravka Ugresic is an example of postmodern realization of an old and having its own traditional rules epistolary novel. There are two versions of the story. One appeared as the afterword to Ugresic's translation of short stories by Daniil Charms, the second version was published thirteen years later in a collection 'Ziivot je bajka'. Both versions have a common main character, and sender of the letters, crazy translator Vodka U, who under the influence of Charms' short stories begins to imitate his style and adopts his personality. In this pervasive way, Ugresic realizes Barthes' 'death of the author' idea and plays with (un)originality. She raises questions about copying and plagiarism. Intertextual reading of the story leads to Russian avant-garde, especially to the fathers of Oberia school, of which Charms was a member.