This study examines critical editions of Máj by Karel Hynek Mácha in the period after the discovery of the poem manuscript in 1916. Hence it focuses primarily on publishing procedures in the ten editions (1919-1949) by Karel Janský, while also examining other important parallel editorial undertakings, editions from the previous period and editions that came out after the last critical edition in the Knihovna klasiků series (1959). This exposition focuses primarily on how both prominent Mácha editors set out their conception of the chronology of both primary sources: the first printing (1836) and the poem manuscript. It subsequently analyses which method of working with both sources they developed from this conception, and it focuses on a detailed analysis of the editing proces, i.e. on determining the phenomena which the editors considered to be errors within the text of the poem, their correction and what is known as the linguistic preparation of the text. The study shows developments in the approaches of both editors, the changes in the extent and method both sources were contaminated and in the application of the diplomatic approach, while also following the ongoing application of a methodologically different editing process method, which aimed to modernize and harmonize the published text. This process is observed within the context of the domestic discussion at that time on the extent and method for correcting the texts of the classics. The present description of changes in the text of critical editions of Máj is one of the bases for the forthcoming new edition of the poem in the Hybrid Scholarly Edition.