Modern enterprise is subjected to tensions emerging at the intersection of private and public sphere. It is obviously connected with a loss of sense of identity due to the objectification of man and bringing him to the role of an economic resource that conduces to maximize income. In this situation, the work becomes purpose and meaning rather than means of life. Unstable, floating rules of economic game- subjected to the criterion of utility- are reinforcing future uncertainty, unpredictability of behaviour and short term activities' perspective. The only thing important is 'here and now' and 'my own benefit'. The sense of common good and long-term, generational perspective are fading. These phenomena are reflected in the individual violation of property rights, as well as the general decline in confidence to each party of social contract. Contemporary economics emphasizes the importance of money, and the dominant criterion of individual's activity is seeking utility maximisation. Meanwhile the importance of culture - which includes among others moral norms, traditions, customs, religion, myths, symbols, language - is often stronger than resources understood in material way. The aim of this article is to show the cultural context of economic life in the workplace. The integrity of the individual and community objectives requires a clearly defined axiological agenda. We believe that the lack of legal and institutional governance creates pathologies in social, economic and political life. Individual crisis and problems with identity are factors which are not dealt with in the modern economy, which is just improving its world contained in numbers. Yet without a coherent theory, empirical data are devoid of any meaning. Learning about man and his development allow economists to interpret the meaning of human life and place of work in it. This paper accepts thesis that the role played by the man can not be separated from his inalienable value, which is dignity. Therefore economic life cannot be separated from culture.