The results of excavations led on Gródek site in Kraków and reconstruction of the sequence of building phases on this area since the Early Mediaeval to the modern times are presented. They cover methodical rescue excavations, including complete drawing, photo and description record, leading to the computer (virtual) reconstruction of sequence of the building phases. Four main building phases were distinguished on the investigated area on the Gródek site. The oldest phase (I) is dated to the end of 12th and to the first part of the 13th century. The II phase - divided into two sub-phases (IIa and IIb) - is dated to the period between the mid of 13th and forties of 14th century. The III phase comprises the 14th and 15th centuries. The last, destroyed (IV) phase is dated to the period between 16th and 18th centuries. During the excavations 41 stratification units were explored. Numerous artifacts, including imports were excavated. Traces of the settlement relics older then 12th century were not uncovered. Changes in the spatial arrangement of dwellings were recorded after the foundation of Krakow city (on the base of Magdeburg law). Traces of fire, which destroyed building structures of the II phase, were also recorded. This fire was probably connected with Tatar's invasion or with the revolt of Albert, the Chief of Krakow settlers, who lived just at Gródek.