This article examines the meaning and origins of what are nowadays common terms - "veleslavínská čeština" (Weleslawinian Czech) and "veleslavínská doba" (Weleslawinian Period) - in philological literature between the death of the Prague printer Daniel Adam of Veleslavín (1599) and the texts of Josef Jungmann in the 19th century. Moreover, the study considers the work of Daniel Adam of Veleslavín as a language authority in this period (I). Text testimonia (in Latin, German and Czech) document the development of the idea from Balbín´s work Bohemia docta and the adoption of formulations and views among N. A. Voigt, F. F. Procházka and J. Dobrovský. Weleslawina ceased to be effective as an all-round language authority after the orthography dispute between J. Nejedlý and J. Jungmann. In many of the texts under review the name "Weleslawina" was only a symbolic representation of the entire epoch (II). The conclusion puts forward several options for the philological examination of the language of texts associated (even loosely) with Daniel Adam of Veleslavín (III).