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2009 | 1 | 158-168

Article title

INCOMES AND ASPIRATIONS: COMPARATIVE STUDY IN FOUR EUROPEAN COUNTRIES (Dokhody i domohannia: porivnialne doslidzhennia u chotyriokh Yevropeis'kykh krainakh)


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The study of subjectively normal level of incomes and incomes associated with poverty line is aimed to provide authorities with relevant information for elaboration of social policy. Clustering of population under correlation between these estimations and real incomes may serve as one of means for such a study. Proceeding from Merton's typology of individual disposition, one can construct an integral index based on individual incomes and income aspirations. In order to estimate the shares of respondents described by certain combination of real income and aspirations in respect of each country, the author divided the sample in two parts by the median value of per capita income and subjectively normal income. So he obtains a qualitative typology described in terms of demographic, social and psychological variables: the average age within the type, index of wealth, self-estimation of family's economic conditions, inversely proportional index of life satisfaction, psychological stress. The model of multinomial logistic regression was applied to data of surveys conducted in Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Georgia in order to find out determinants of either type in each of the four countries. The presented multivariate statistical analysis is a preliminary attempt to explain possible determinants of income aspirations in different groups.


  • Andrij Bova, Derzhavnyi doslidnyts'kyi instytut Ministerstva vnutrishnikh sprav Ukrainy, prov. Kutuzova 4a, 01011, Kyiv, Ukraine


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CEJSH db identifier

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