The article deals with selected issues concerning the organization and competence of the Tribunals and their role in the system of government in Poland, i.e. the Constitutional Tribunal and the Tribunal of State (Impeachment Court). The author presents basic foundations of the Constitution of 1997 as well as further legislative changes. The first part of the article discusses the matters concerning the Constitutional Tribunal, particularly the alarming phenomenon which is the undermining of the authority of the Tribunal, especially by politicians. The author reveals the proposals aimed at separation of the procedure for election of the judges of the Constitutional Tribunal from current political disputes, as well as the reforms of the functioning of the Tribunal. He points out the defects of existing regulations concerning constitutional complaints and the procedures for settling disputes of competence. He also examines the scope of jurisdiction of the Constitutional Tribunal, including the assessment of the procedure of taking effect by the normative act within the abstract review of norms. Moreover, he shows the complications resulting from constitutional limitation of the competence of the Tribunal and the effect of its judgments. The second part deals with the problems relating to an institutional shape of the Tribunal of State. He pointed out the inconsistence of Poland's regulations on adjudicating in matters of offences with the provisions of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. He also presents some proposals for changes in the procedures of the exercise of constitutional accountability in Poland.