In the article author describes a preventive system initiated by the Reverend John Bosco, who was an Italian priest who lived in the 19th century. His system absolutely rejected any type of corporal punishment, as it was thought to be an ineffective way of upbringing. In his pedagogical activity the Reverend John Bosco took care of desolated young boys whom he provided protection and education. Thanks to that many illiterate boys belonging to criminal groups were able to get a profession and could honestly work for themselves. The Reverend John Bosco tried to increase number of oratorios and schools and at the same time wanted to found a new friar congregation. He successfully established the Society of Salesians and from 150 years it runs many different social institutions, including the Salesianic educational centre in Rozanystok. The main goal of the research made for the article is the diagnosis of the Salesianic educational centre in Rozanystok in terms of cohesion of punishment and rewards to assumptions of preventive system. The research has been made with the use of the so-called monographic method. The author proves that in that specific institution no one uses corporal punishment, in fact the only form of punishing is lack of privileges. In the most dii cult cases a pupil who causes problems that harms the whole group can be punished by transferring to another institution. The system of punishments and rewards characterized in the article may be an inspiration for pedagogical educators and teachers who use the methods described in their work.