Presented paper discusses results of study of Globular Amphora Culture assemblage acquired during rescue excavations carried out at Domaslaw - site 35 (Kobierzyce commune, Wroclaw district, dolnoslaskie voivodship) in 2007. Analysis based on methodological pattern inspired by research of Kuyavian GAC province is complemented by detailed analyses of bone remains and lithic artifacts - despite small size of respective assemblages results are valuable for studies on GAC in Lower Silesia. Confrontation of problem studies allowed cresting conceivably complete picture of a small - probably single-phased - GAC bearers' settlement, used in yearly (?) cycle of residential mobility emphasizing seasonal aspect of subsistence activities. Authors of the study managed to discern four functional areas of the settlement. Critical view on studies over GAC chronology in Lower Silesia is expressed. Authors suggest detailing traditional scheme of regional chronology by synchronization with other GAC provinces - mainly by study of ornaments of fairly precise horizon of occurrence, and applying additional procedures of cross-dating (in this case presented study serves as a pre-test for possibility of such conduct). Complex chronological analyses (setting chronology of the assemblage at 2700-2450 BC) were verified by absolute (radiocarbon) dating.