The senior author model of the Style of Creative Behavior (SCB) together with his models of the Styles of the Problem Solving (SPS) and the model of Analogy thinking (AT), Kolanczyk's model of Intuition-Rationality (I-R) , and Nosal-Jung model of the Types of the Mind (TM) were used to explain effective management under systems transformation in Poland. The multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and the discriminant analysis were used to test differences between two groups of subjects: efficient (N=30) and less efficient managers. The discriminant analysis carried out for 17 variables taken from the above models gave 89% of correct classifications (canonical correlation is equal 0,798). The highest discriminate weights in the equation were: 'Global-subjective' type of the mind (TM), 'Rationality' (I-R), 'Strong ego' (SCB), and 'Transgression' and 'Intuition' (SPS). The article ends with the discussion of personality and cognitive determinants of the success of effective management under systems transformation in Poland.