The modern age is characterised by a loss of social solidarity and the growing isolation of the individual, who strives only for personal gain. The result of this is the politically-unmanaged dynamic of the world economy and world society. The author raises the question of how philosophy can contribute to a new strengthening of normative consciousness. To this end she concentrates on Habermas’, or rather Hegel’s, programme of a re-iterated critical reading of religio-philosophical reflections, and of the translation of the contents of faith “from the religious idiom into one that is generally accessible”. She extensively elaborates, as she herself puts it, on the brief explicit appeals made to Hegel by Habermas, working especially with Hegel’s works Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Religion (I, II) and Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Weltgeschichte. Hegel’s interpretation of Christianity, in the author’s view, provides a tool for analysing the genesis of the current crisis of normativity – including the problematic of human dignity, international justice and a just treatment of the sexes – as well as providing possible solutions to these questions.