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2019 | 27 | 1 | 279-304

Article title

Koncept "formované společnosti" Ludwiga Erharda a jeho kritici


Title variants

Ludwig Erhard’s “formed society” concept and its critics

Languages of publication



The author of this text examines the concept of a “formed society” in the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1960s. He presents two societal concepts of the post- war Federal Republic of Germany. The idea of a formed society began in the intellectual circles of Federal Chancellor Ludwig Erhard. It had its roots in the economic and political downfall of the Weimar Republic and the apocalyptic war that followed. The idea of the long march through institutions was formulated by leaders of the student protest movement, who saw it as the only way to change society from within after the failure of the Marxist revolution in Western Europe. Although both concepts lost their appeal in the course of history, they still remain an important contribution to the modernization process of the Federal Republic of Germany and, at the same time, provide an answer to the initial question concerning causes of the movement.


  • Moderní dějiny, redakce, Historický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., Prosecká 76, 190 00 Praha 9, Czech Republic


Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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