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2005 | 42 | 9 | 387-398

Article title

Hungarian library developments and TextLib

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The authors are the developers of the TextLib integrated library system to which a country-wide professional meeting was dedicated at the Mogyorossy Janos Municipal Library in Gyula. The authors presented the latest features of TextLib that significantly contributed to the successful implementation of several large-scale library development projects, such as MOKKA (the Hungarian Shared Catalogue project), ODR (the National Document Supply Service), Koztaurusz (the thesaurus of Hungarian public libraries). It was a practical and effective solution to design the server programs in Linux environment, which ensures greater security in the data transfer via the multiple communication protocols connecting TextLib with external systems. The most important feature of the MOKKA - TextLib cooperation is that the integrated tools make it possible for simple and controlled import and export of bibliographic records completed with location data. The most important outcome of the development is that beside MOKKA, TextLib is able to connect with any other Z39.50-based server and with any TextLib WWW server. The integration of Koztaurusz, the Hungarian public library thesaurus into TextLib allows the direct use of the thesaurus in the retrieval of the bibliographic records. In this process, the system uses the UDC identifiers linked as indexes to one part of the lexical elements of the thesaurus.


  • Zoltan Graff, no address given, contact the journal editor


Document Type

Publication order reference


CEJSH db identifier

YADDA identifier

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