In this article, the philosophy of biology of the German philosopher Hans Jonas (1903– –1993) is presented in a concise form. According to this approach, it is necessary to project an anti-reductionist view of the human mind back into the whole evolutionary order, the climax of which is man. In this respect, only man, as embodied subjectivity, is capable of such a retrospective view. A disposition to the emergence of the inwardness of the organism is already contained in material nature itself, and it then develops in the course of evolution by its own powers up to the emergence of the human spirit. It exploits, in this regard, “openings“ in the causal nexus of nature, provided by quantum physics. Jonas is, here, characterised as a panpsychic and an attempt is made to categorise his panpsychism in terms of todays context, both from a philosophical point of view (G. Strawson, D. Chalmers), and a biological one (the phenomena of self‑assembly and self-organisation as sources of “order for free”).