In this article, the authors focus on the need to improve the quality of the way in which teachers express themselves professionally and they discuss one of the methods of the voice development in educational communication - voice education as a psychosomatic discipline. At the theoretical level it is discussed primarily by means of an important stage in voice training - voice change - referred to a specific component of a person's Self-experience. Furthermore, the authors focus on the structure of reflection at different levels of psychological distance (Bullough) and in analogy to Zuska's conceptualization of aesthetic experience they differentiate between the levels of the reflecting Self and the reflected Self. To illustrate the theoretical description of the general principles associated with voice education which can be utilized in other human expression disciplines, they include excerpts from written reflections and transcribed conversations of students who completed the Voice and Speech Education as a Psychosomatic Discipline course at the Faculty of Education, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice.