Adam Adamandy Kochanski (1631-1700) was known as a mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, philologist, and constructor of clocs and other machines. He graduated in philosophy from Molsheim (1655-1657) and began to lecture at the university in Mainz (1657-1664); later on he became a lecturer in mathematics in Bamberg (1665-1666) and in Florence (1666-1670). From 1670 he taught mathematics in the Jesuit province of Bohemia, first at Prague University (1670-1672), then in Olomouc (1672-1675), and later at the college in Wroclaw (1675-1679). As requested by King Jan III Sobieski, towards the end of 1679 he arrived in Warsaw, where he continued to lecture on mathematics and educated Sobieski's son, Jakub. From 1683 to 1690 he was employed in Gdansk as a royal librarian, where he collaborated also with the astronomer Jan Heweliusz (1611-1687). On his return to Warsaw in 1690, he took over the supervision of the royal library. He died in May 1700 in Teplice (Bohemia). Thirty four letters from the years 1677-1687 rested in physical and astronomical topics: rectilinear motion, geomagnetism and magnetic declination, the impact of forces that operate during the Earth's revolution around its axis, and attemps to calculate the distance between the Earth and the Sun. He also tried to confirm the validity of the Copernican system.