Green politics is beyond Left and the Right as it was told by many analysts. This thesis seems to be working in the case of environmental politics within the EU, which is supported by both Social Democrats and Liberals. Europe intends to be one of the most progressive regions regarding environmental quality and policies. This pioneering role and basics of EU environmental policies are accepted and even developed further by parties and governments of Social Democrats, Liberals and Conservatives as well. Sustainability, biodiversity, environmental planning, environmental rights of citizens, global and regional co-operation for environment, partnership with Green NGOs, codes of conduct, all these policies and institutions e.g. values are undoubtedly parts of the consent of parties and governments of both sides. The study shows some of the leading European Social Democratic Party and government programmes as well as Liberal Party and government programmes moving in this direction. Political consent, however, is the end of politics which is built upon conflict between friend and foe, and if environment as other policy areas is connected to globalisation and regionalisation will be built upon as consensual terrain within the EU party and ideological identities of the Left and Right, but may be overshadowed by a common environmental dedication on the European level.