In 1972 in the fourth issue of Slavica Slovaca were published two articles by Dionýz Durisin and Anton Popovic in which they put forward their views on translation. For unknown reasons, the articles appeared in German. The present paper is an attempt to make a reconstruction of the polemic between these two outstanding Slovak literary scholars. Durisin presupposes that equivalence is considered to be an essential term of the theory of translation. He examines its content, character and the limits of its methodological utility in the field of theory of the translation. Subsequently, he tries to reinterpret the term with respect to the evaluation the literary translations. Popovic explains the status of the theory of translation in the system of the sciences. Important is for him the relation of the translation to the stylistics, whereas style does not include only language but also the composition and the theme. Durisin and Popovic use these two articles to indirectly criticise each other's views. The core of the polemic lies in their different concepts of the translation and its function.