The authoress of the study gives a profound portrait of Frantisek Hybl (1875-1929). He studied history at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles IV University of Prague, where, under such masters as J. Goll, he was trained in the exacting methods (positivism). During his study he interested in the history of central and South-eastern Europe from the Antiquity and Middle Ages till the Modern Ages. The diversity of Hybl's life and career provides an image of his scientific work, which is, for all the hardship and anxiety, impressive. After finishing his studies he was a teacher in Moravia (Olomouc, Boskovice) and after returning in Prague he continued in teaching and in studying of the medieval and modern history of Slavic peoples (Czechs, Moravians, Bulgarians) and the politico-cultural relations between Byzantium and the Slavs on the one hand, and of the ancient history of Greeks and Romans on the other hand. His textbooks in this matter were very popular. Hybl prepared also several articles on the Bulgarian history and his top work in the field of medieval and modern studies is History of the Bulgarian people (Dejiny naroda bulharskeho I-II, Praha 1930) that thematically continued the same named K. Jirecek's work and has the crucial importance in the development of Bulgarian historical studies in the Czech Republic.