In Martin Heidegger's philosophy human life is not defined essentially, on the contrary it is contingent. This means that it does not count among numerous existing entities, but is Dasein, ie. a searching and undetermined form of being. As such it is limited in time and space, and it strives towards something beyond its current condition. Although Dasein perceives itself mainly by remembrance of its past, it also permanently transcends itself. Thereby it loses its past. Forgetting about oneself is the form of life characteristic for Dasein. It is also characteristic for Dasein to realise that it is mortal, and that by reaching out to the future it reaches out to death. It its elusiveness and incessant anticipation Dasein confronts its own non-existence in at least two ways. Forgetting obliterates its past identity, anticipation brings it to ultimate termination. The author surmises that this double confrontation with non-existence can breed a sense of ecstasy.